Sunday, April 21, 2013

Lit Circles: Essay Responses

Slaughterhouse 5

Way way way too specific to write to

Free will is often described as an illusion. What are your views, is free will an illusion or do we choose our own path? The authors? And how did he convey these view points.
  • Free will
  1. Mask over our face
  2. Government controls all
Like the video I made Allegory

Free will is what "they" have us believe is true.  A figment of our imagination, free will was created to keep control of the masses.  The government finds ways to extend this illusion to the population, both in Slaughterhouse 5 and in real life.

What the government does to make sure everything runs smoothly.  To have the perfect country, the perfect world even.  Free will is made up, much like unicorns and rainbow monkeys.  We believe we have it, but in reality, we have nothing at all.

Life of Pi

A recurring motif in Life of Pi is territorial dominance and setting boundaries. How does Piscine's way of marking his territory in the lifeboat serve as a lifesaver and how does his survival guide contribute to creating daily routines?

But..He makes his own raft because the tiger takes over his....

  • Piscine
  1. Tames tiger
  2. Survival guide aids in keeping him sane

Territorial dominance and the setting of boundaries is what keeps Piscine sane.  Marking his territory and writing in the survival guide are what keeps Piscine alive while on his journey.  Thesis

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