Sunday, April 14, 2013

Act II Notes

Banquo and Fleance walk around Macbeth's castle.  They find Macbeth, both of them surprised to see him still awake.  Banquo mentions he had a dream about "three weird sisters" aka Witches.  Banquo and Fleance leave.  Macbeth has a vision of a dagger.  Lady Macbeth rings the bell as Macbeth makes his way towards Duncan's chamber.  Macbeth kills him but is incredibly shaken by the ordeal.  He hears things over and over.  He goes over to the sink to wash off the blood, Lady Macbeth telling him the deed is done.  All hell breaks loose, Macbeth even goes and murders the chamberlains he was framing.  Lady Macbeth faints and is carried away.  Chaos ensues as everybody tries to figure out what happened to Duncan.


  1. Woah, Josh, you condensed the whole act into a single paragraph? I applaud you and your conciseness! If someone is too lazy to actually read, they could visit your blog and get most of the information they need in a matter of minutes.

  2. Wait...the witch part was just a dream!? Awe man. I am confused now. When did this happen??
