Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Brave New World (II & III)

-Mr. Foster stayed in the Decanting Room
-Infant Nurseries
-Taught babies to not like education and nature (by shock treatment)
-Polish, French, and German are all dead languages
-Teenagers astonished by viviparous humans
-Hypnopaedia, first used officially in A.F. 214.  Why not before? Two reasons. (a)
-Elementary Sex...was a lesson?
-Children made to think they were better than the lower "caste"
-Children run around naked
-Polly Trotsky (May be important later)
-Humans don't seem to care about showing off their bodies as much as they do today
-It is normal to have more than one "lover"
-"Relationships" usually are 1 to 3 months
-People relate stunts in growth or stupidity with a process gone wrong while in the embryo stage
-Society based around the Ford, creator of the car.
-Conversation between Henery and Benard as well as between Lenina and Fanny

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