Monday, August 20, 2012

Reflections on Week 1

1) Factors affecting my participation?  Maybe just reciting poetry... I hate reciting anything and it takes me longer than the normal student to memorize it.  It took me all week just to memorize the Go Forth Poem and in class you said that you regretted giving it to us.  My experience in this class is going to be amazing. I love how you are trying to integrate science and technology into this course.  It is different from all the other boring English classes and offers a change for students.

2)I believe my most awesome learning experience was one at Righetti.  I learned, with a hands on demonstration, on how to work a higher grade video camera in Mr. Garcia's class.  It brought me into film making which is now my passion and i wouldn't change a thing.  I knew it was happening when, after making my first video, I just wanted to make more and more videos.  I hold that learning experience close to my heart.

3)I am most excited for all the technology we get to use in this class.  It allows us to accomplish so much more out of class and allows for students who miss a day to catch up without needing to even consult the teacher about it.  I am dreading the memorization the most.  I simply hate it with a passion.  I look forward to the lessons and experiences when I think of learning. I think that this class can and will make a difference in my life.  It will allow me to experience new things and meet new people.

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