Monday, April 8, 2013

Prose Essay Prompts Life of Pi

1) Life of Pi is about the real world as much is it is about the spiritual world.  Using 3 different literary techniques used by the author, explain how the connection between these two worlds are made in a well written essay.  Avoid plot summary.

2)Why are animals used in Life of Pi?  Are they just an interesting addition to the story or do they have a deeper meaning?  In a carefully thought out essay, interpret the use of the animals in the novel.  Use at least one literary technique the author used in the novel.  Avoid plot summary.

3) In Life of Pi, Martel uses a number of literary devices to convey Pascine's feelings of loss.  Using at least 3 devices, explain how the loss of Pascine's family is carried throughout the rest of the novel.  Avoid plot summary.

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